

We got to test out one of their new CBD biscuits the Bailey’s No More Wiggles the calm, and quiet. They also have Austin’s Active Formula, Get Up and Go (Hips & Joints), and a Senior Blend. With any product I review I like to test them out for a few weeks so I can give you guys my honest opinion on products! I’ve been testing these out for about a month now and love them. I like that these biscuits have a higher mg of CBD compared to other CBD biscuits out there. With the Austin and Kat biscuits, Kayden only needed one treat, where with other brands he would need two or three. These biscuits have 10mg of CBD each! A total of 300mg per box. I picked the No More Wiggles because these also have chamomile, valerian root and lavender for extra calming effects. These also have L-Tryptophan, which is an amino acid known to help the body in stressful and exciting situations If you’ve read some of my past reviews you know Kayden has some separation anxiety. So anytime Kayden is going to be left alone he gets a CBD biscuit 30-40 minutes before we leave. These definitely help him calm down, and relax more when he is alone. Using these also give me a peace of mind, because I know that he is more relaxed at home, and not so anxious. Overall I highly recommend these No More Wiggles CBD biscuits! I really like that they have the extra calming herbs, and the higher mg of CBD! 

-Danielle M in Michigan

You can find Danielle writing all about Kayden her blog 'A Blog Just About Dogs'

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