Testimonials-Zeus-CBD for Pets-Austin and Kat


I just wanted to send a quick note to say how much Zeus love his cookies (haven't tried the oil yet bit will soon)!  and how much they have been helping him.  When we first adopted Zeus 6 years ago, he had some pretty bad separation anxiety.  It was evident that he had been abused and had some issues to deal with.  We had our work cut out for us but with lots of love, patience & a good trainer, we made excellent progress.


That all changed after he & my husband were injured by another dog that had gotten away from its owner.  It was a terrible ordeal & since Zeus was attacked from behind without warning his anxiety skyrocketed.  He became extremely protective of us while we were out for walks & he was always on high alert when inside.  He also reverted back to being nervous & skittish around friends that came to visit.  We went back to square 1 with training and after about a year things were much better but we still weren't able to get his anxiety completely under control.  We tried several calming/anxiety supplements but nothing ever seemed to really help.  One day I was on a dog message board & while searching through posts, I saw someone mention your cookies.  I checked out your site, did some research & thought I'd give them a try.  I would say after a week or so  of getting a cookie a day, we noticed a change.  Zeus was much more relaxed & even our friends were commenting on how more chill and at ease he was.   Now that he's been on them consistently for a few months, he is a much happier relaxed dog.  It makes us so happy to see him settle down & just hang out instead of pacing and barking.  
Thank you for making such a wonderful product!  They really have made a huge difference for Zeus & for us.


Jeremy & Niki M in Allentown, PA


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