Martini the pup in snow


I purchased the CBD dogs treats for my pup Martini. She's 6 years old and had TPLO surgery on her left knee in December and is scheduled to get her right knee done tomorrow. I've been so worried about giving her too many narcotics to keep ahead of the pain because I don't want her to have any other issues (ie kidney, etc). But these treats have been a god send! She has one and you can tell she feels better almost instantly. The limp gradually gets less prominent and she has a pep in her step! I received a sample bag from The Seattle Barkery along with her birthday cake - I turned around and went to your website the very next day, because the treats helped so much. Thank you for making my girl feel better - it breaks my heart to see her in pain, and your biscuits have helped both her (physically) and me (emotionally) greatly :)

Jessica H., in Lake Forest Park, WA

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