Kailua uses Austin and Kat CBD oil to keep her in her "happy place"!


My girl is almost 15 (in April) she has had ACL surgery about three years ago now and that worked until well about a year ago then the arthritis and joints seemed to just start to give out more  - especially when it’s chilly out.  She is such a sweet good girl always has been but about 3 years ago we also started to see the onset of OCD.  Then in June 2017 she lost her human, my Pops, and things got worse for her as far as anxiety goes.  She paced incessantly especially at night, and wouldn’t let anyone really pet her comfort her.  Then at the same time her eyes and hearing were getting less and less – poor girl I had just about hit a wall when a good friend introduced me to your products. 

We tried the biscuits first and she LOVES them but they didn’t seem to help the anxiety or last as long as we needed for the pain.  So in November I ordered the CBD oil drops for dogs.  I started them right after Christmas and man she is continually improving.  Pacing is limited to only about 40 min right after dinner.  She sleeps through the night and has renewed energy in the morning for a good walk and can relax all day now.  I know it’s related to the drops as there was nothing else in her world that changed. Her joints are old so I know that the arthritis is still there and still hurts but the effects of the .5 ml are amazing in helping her manage the pain.  The dose we do is at dinner to help her most at night but it lasts right through to the next dinner and keeps her calm and comfortable.  I called my friend and shared as well – as she has my girl's litter mate and he has some similar symptoms she is trying him on the oils next they should be to her this week.

I am so thankful for you and your team.  This is therapy that I know has made all the difference in her quality of life and that makes me smile almost as big as she does!!  Happy to recommend or share more in any way I can.

Thank you and I will be subscribing for sure to keep us in stock ;0)  Kailua says thank you too!

-Christy H., in Anaheim, CA

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