CBD dog treats for anxiety


I believe the treats (we call them her "peace treats") have really helped to calm Belle's anxiety.  She did really good while our family was here and has been doing good at our vet's every day.  Our evenings are much more relaxed because she is not constantly pacing around the house, and we're only getting up once per night instead of as much as three or four times per night.  I only wish the treats could turn back time and make her young and vibrant again!

She dropped another two or three pounds this week and is now down to 56.1 pounds.  She was 78 pounds at her prime.  We've been noticing that she's having more mobility issues and needing to rest more when we go on our daily short walks, but she still wants to go so I take her.  Her attitude is still great and we count each day we have with her as a blessing.  I'm thankful Jon and Misty turned me onto the peace treats.  If nothing else, we can make sure she is calm and relaxed as she prepares to leave us instead of being anxious and stressed out.

- Nancy H in Geneva FL

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